Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Something struck me today!

Im quite a lazy person by nature, especially when it comes to waking up from sleep. Oh god, I don't know what comes over me, but I just cannot wake up, even if I know its the most important thing for me. Some evil voice says, "sleep is more important", and starts feeding in all sorts of ideas for excuses to avoid waking up!

I was just going through my mailbox to see loads of events happening in the university, one of them being, attending a workshop which I would like to attend. And then I thought, 'I dont have the time, I am a research student, I would have to be in lab all the time'. True, very true, but what is the other thing I CAN compromise on to do these things I like to do?


This is the time, this is the last chance I have, my final years as a STUDENT, and I HAVE to make the most out of it. I can catch up on sleep later, oh Im sure of that...

A new horizon, and Im at it!!!!

:) :) :)

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